Just a quick note to say that I added some fun crosswords for you all to do if you have some time and you're bored. Well, I found them fun to make, at any rate, so hopefully you'll enjoy doing them. :) You can find them in the right column, in a new box labelled "Diversions", above the Links. Hmm. I think I might have been channeling my French vocabulary in there, somewhere.
[edit, 8:10pm]
Okay, well I filled in the blog survey thing that
Susan and
Tiffany told me to do. Here it is.
1. Copy this whole list into your journal.
2. Bold the things that you have in common with me.
3. Whatever you don't bold, replace with things about you.
01. I try to keep my desk as clear of stuff as possible... but it rarely works! It's gotten to a point where trying is pretty much useless...
02. I usually wear size 7 shoes.
03. I don't like drinking water because it is so bland!
04. My favorite TV show of all time is still Buffy.
05. I think Johnny Depp manages to be hot, without actually trying all that much. I think Colin Farrell is really annoying when he's not in a movie, but in his movies, he doesn't bother me at all.
06. I'm obsessed with grammar and spelling. Mine might not be perfect, but it's pretty damned good.
07. I hate when people type in all caps online.
08. I clash sometimes with my parents, but hey, what are you gonna do? They're family, and they'll always be there for you when they can.
09. The semicolon is my favorite punctuation; it's just so classy.
10. I could never cut my own hair. And I don't let my mom cut it anymore; not since I was younger and she would say "Oops!" every once in a while.
11. Accents (English and Irish) make celebrities cute.
12. I wish I could just open a door in my brain, and really GET math and physics. And I wouldn't mind getting Economics, Accounting, and English, either.
13. I took French for ages, but it doesn't show.
14. For fresh breath, mints (especially Tic-Tacs) beat gum hands down any day.
15. I would like to be ambidextrous.
16. Going to Chapters, even if you're planning to buy nothing, is a perfectly acceptable outing.
17. I hate facial hair on guys. Just... ew. *stubble is okay*
18. I secretly harbor a desire to be some kind of writer.
19. I have not yet found the perfect perfume for me. And I don't really plan on actively searching.
20. Miscommunication is the worst. If I had it my way, no one would ever misinterpret the meaning of what someone else says.
21. I wear makeup pretty much daily.
22. I still long for my high-school English classes.
23. I can imagine no point lower in the life of a celebrity than participating in projects just for the sake of it, rather than for artistic merit.
24. Sugar should be banned from my diet, but that would be catastrophic.
25. My favorite season would be Spring, but I used to have bad hay fever, so my affinity is with Fall. I like the in-between seasons, I think.
26. I used to be somewhat shy as a child.
27. I'm the youngest child, and that's the way I like it.
28. I try to appear put together and normal to the general public...but I don't know why I try, I don't think it really works...
29. I have multiple e-mail accounts and actually check them all.
30. I love to go home after being downtown.
31. I think it's fun to cook, but that might be because I haven't tried making anything very complex.
30. I have one basic color of lipgloss that I use every day.
33. I procrastinate. A LOT. Like now.
34. I used to bite my nails, but not anymore.
35. I'm not big on planning social events. Once in awhile it's fun, but most of the time I prefer spur-of-the-moment things. Low-key is usually better than some big to-do, in my books.
36. I love my friends.
37. I hate it when young people smoke. They should know better.
38. I am a city girl and proud!
39. I like artists who write/compose their own music and can actually sing well LIVE (*cough*actual talent*cough*)
40. Walking is my favorite form of exercise...and I get to that every day at school.
41. I really enjoy thoughtful gifts, even if they cost nothing. Still, I'll like almost anything just because the person took the time to pick it out.
42. The British have such fabulous vocabulary: bloke, snog, wanker, nob ...etc.
43. I'm a bad, bad person who downloads music rather than buying CDs. Not all the time, though. I still usually have some reservations about burning entire albums.
44. I think love at first sight depends on who you're looking at.
45. I enjoy just being by myself sometimes. Well, a lot of the time.
46. I don't think I use my time nearly as well as I could.
47. I miss the playground.
48. Clowns frighten me.
49. I love those moving platform things at the airport.
50. I wish I was a bigger fan of homework and assignments.
51. I wouldn't be able to survive without something to write stuff down in.
52. I used to have a pretty decent memory. Now it's crap.
53. I cry in movies a lot, but it depends who I'm watching with.
54. I often suddenly feel, with 100% certainty, that I have no idea what I'm doing.
55. I'm really easy to get along with. Usually. I hope.
56. I secretly like Kelly Clarkson's and most of Christina Aguilera's music.
57. I can drive, but I still haven't driven on the highway alone.
58. I like how silver looks on me better than gold.
59. I like getting e-mails from my friends; it makes me feel special.
60. I'm pretty indifferent towards my first name, which is weird.
61. I sort of enjoyed wearing a school uniform.
62. I've had a G driving license for about a year now.
63. I can't stand the word "adult".
64. I don't have a "photo smile". I usually end up with some kind of grimace, but it's slowly getting better... :)
65. I've committed my own share of pollution crimes, but I try my hardest to remember not to do things that are harmful to the environment and all of us who live here.
66. I get distracted VERY easily. Ooo, shiny.
67. I'm glad I have contacts, even though I hardly ever wear them.
68. If it wasn't for cavities, I'd live off chocolate.
69. Arachnophobia scared me. So did The Village of the Damned, Dracula, and some old Chinese movies about vampires.
70. I'm a big fan of The Simpsons.
71. I'm not big on holding grudges; or at least, I try my best not to.
72. Most of the time,
I'm pretty comfortable in my own skin, physically, emotionally and mentally.
73. As far as artistic ability goes, I like to fancy that I can draw or sketch with some degree of skill. Who knows? Maybe I would've been great if I could actually finish some of the things I started...
74. Reading is my favorite way to de-stress.
75. I'm physically incapable of just talking on the phone. I HAVE to be tracing some sort of pattern with my fingers, picking at pieces or lint, or doodling.
76. Shopping stresses me out.
77. I love reading other people's blogs/live journals/websites.
78. My computer is my baby. And I have actually referred to it as such.
79. I am liable to worry about anything that could possible be worried about.
80. If I don't stop putting things off to do later when I could do them now, I will live to regret it.
81. I love my city more than I love my country.
82. My favorite TV show as a child was Today's Special.
83. I have a very broad musical taste.
84. I slouch too much.
85. Holiday pictures should include a good balance of scenery and people pictures. But my dad doesn't like when there aren't any people in the photos.
86. I could never do a cartwheel.
87. Someday I WILL travel the world. And the seven seas, too, if I can help it.
88. Someday I WILL go on a road trip with my friends.
89. The first music video I ever saw was for "Strong Enough" by Sheryl Crow.
90. If I have enemies, I don't know about them.
91. I can't stand the sound of fingernails scraping a chalkboard
92. I don't like coffee.
93. I am pretty indecisive. I think.
94. Entertainment magazines, like Entertainment Weekly or Premiere, and fanfiction are guilty pleasures.
95. I like reading in the bathroom...the lighting is good, and no one's gonna come in and interrupt.
96. I'm a lazy ass. I really am.
97. I like to think that I'm a very crafty and creative person...but really, I don't have the attention span.
98. I like hugs better than kisses.
99. I have something else I should be doing right now.
100. Mystique from X-Men has a cool superpower, but I doubt that's the superpower I would choose if I could have one.